I've also really enjoyed reading this book and reading everyone's posts and take aways from the book! I love to bake and cook but I tend to go for the sugary and fattening recipes! So it was fun to try out some healthy recipes that I actually liked.
Disclaimer= I am a teacher- but terrible with grammar and spelling! (I teach special education- so we kind of pick and choose and skip around with our skills ha!) So I am sorry for all my errors! I also am not the best at organizing my thoughts- so I will probably just kind of ramble on and on.
I'll start with the recipes I've made so far then share a little more after. I did actually take some pictures of my recipes:
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Breakfast Quinoa |
On the Breakfast Quinoa- I added a little hot sauce and it made it delicious! I also made it for dinner and not breakfast. I was at Jen's once when she made it for the kids! (Petros was so sweet and even offered me a bite or two- but it was right before a workout and I didn't think I probably should ha! ) It looked good though, so I had to try it! I have to admit when I was reading about it in the book though I was quite skeptical!! I had never eaten a apple chicken sausage before! They are quite tasty! It was also very filling too.
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Blueberry Crisp (with some frozen yogurt/ice-cream on top)
Funny story on the blueberry crisp- it is delicious... But I made it and wasn't paying full attention to the ingredients I was adding and then after I made it and was ready to put it in the oven and my mom walked into the kitchen, I asked her what that terrible smell could be and she said, "you didn't add that garlic olive oil did you?" I bought garlic olive oil and I didn't even realize it. She realized it and wondered what I was doing but didn't question me haha! I was just thinking hmmmm this healthy stuff stinks ha! I'd never cooked with almond meal before so I thought maybe it was that! So then I had to wash the blueberries- I didn't want to waste 4 cups of blueberries! So I washed them all off one by one and got rid of the garlicky crisp and started over on the topping! It tasted great- just glad I didn't eat garlicky blueberries. |
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Breakfast Cookies
I made the breakfast cookies as well! They are quite good too! I am excited to have them for my mornings that I can just grab them and run out the door on my way to teach summer school! (I added a few more chocolate chips than it called for- but that is the only difference!) |
I am excited to make some more recipes in here as well! I really want to try some of the soups in the winter and try out the enchiladas! I just got back from Mexico where I obviously also got to eat a lot of really good Mexican food- so maybe in a couple weeks I'll try out the enchiladas!
I went to Mexico on a mission trip to work in an orphanage. It was a wonderful trip and I am very thankful I got to go! I also had lots of time in the airport to read- so I finally finished the book! I am a little slow at reading choice books in the school year- so I was glad for the free time to finish the book!
Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book or things that really stuck out- I know all of you have read the book- but these are I feel like are specific to what I am currently learning:
"What's becoming clearer and clearer to me is that the most sacred moments, the ones in which I feel God's presence most profoundly, when I feel the goodness of the world most arrestingly, take place at the table... It's not, actually, strictly, about the food for me. It's about what happens when we come together, slow down, open our homes, look into one another's faces, listen to one another's stories."
"we don't learn to love each other well in the easy moments. Anyone is good company at a cocktail party. But love is born when we misunderstand one another and make it right, when we cry in the kitchen, when we show up uninvited with magazines and granola bars, in an effort to say, I love you."
-whenever my family-immediate or extended gets together we always end up sitting in the kitchen. We usually never sit on the comfy couch but always standing around in the kitchen or sitting at the kitchen table! I have so many beautiful memories there. I can proudly say my mom always made sure to give us a family dinner growing up around the table together. I think that is so important and many families are lacking that today!
-I also have so many fond and hard memories with friends around a table- whether it was a meal, coffee or sometimes a cupcake or cookie- so many memories of people coming along side of me and meeting me where I was and coming into my pain or joy and living life with me!
"...the best is yet to come. She (her mom) teaches me through her words and her actions, that if you take the next right step, if you live a life of radical and honest prayer, if you allow yourself to be led by God's spirit, no matter how far from home and familiarity it takes you, you won't have to worry about what you want to be when you grow up. You'll be too busy living a life of passion and daring."
-I am constantly learning the importance of prayer- what prayer should look like, being honest in my prayers, trusting God, truly repenting, asking for help every day- every hour --living by the spirit-- acknowledging God for who He is, and seeking a deep relationship with the Lord!
"But what I found in Mexico is that being everywhere was keeping me from being anywhere, from being in any one very particular place. All of a sudden, that silence- that blessed, glorious strange silence- let me be complete in one place. I was totally there, totally in it, without feeling like my mind was divided into a thousand small splinters, spinning out all over the world, leaving nothing, but a glassy stare and twitchy fingers always reaching for my phone... how little I missed on pinterest and facebook. I think about how valuable it is to live this life in front of you, regardless of how tempting it is to press your face to the glass of other people's lives online, even though doing that is so much safer and so entirely addictive"
-It was funny to read this section while in Mexico when I also did not have any cell reception or access to the "real world" back home or internet or anything! It was sooo great to be fully engaged! That was one of our prayers as a group when we got to Mexico- to dive right in and be fully there- to see the orphans and caretakers through God's eyes and heart- to seek his will to be done and not go in and plan on our thoughts or ideas- but to seek him and be fully there with no distractions. It was crazy that I didn't crave to get on facebook, insta-gram, twitter or pinterest... even though here at home sometimes I get bored at a stoplight and check my news-feeds!
"One of the themes of my life this season, as much as I hate to admit it is this: BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. It's how I begin most of my emails, what I put in cards on top of birthday gifts and shower gifts that I always seem to be delivering after the fact. Better late than never, unfortunately is kind of the story of this season of life, when days feel so short and the months fly by."
-I never thought of myself as a late person- I consider myself a person who is on time and not late- but I have been realizing that I am actually late quite often! I am not late to work or appointments or things like that but going to church, sending cards, calling people back, meeting friends or going to ball games or whatever else may come up- I tend to usually be on the late side! Even with this- I am late writing it! I have my priorities mixed up sometimes.
"I want you to stop running from thing to thing to thing, and to sit down at the table, to offer the people you love something humble and nourishing, like soup and bread, like a story, like a hand holding another hand while you pray. We live in a world that values us for how fast we go, for how much we accomplish, for how much life we can pack into one day. But I'm coming to believe it's in the in-between spaces that our lives change, and that the real beauty lies there."
-Being in Mexico and taking time off to actually be present and not have distractions really made me see where my priorities are and what needs to change! I've gone on other trips before and it is always so crazy how much you really can pack into your day because you are so intentional with your time- not packing things into your day that are irrelevant- like I do at home. The days go on forever because you get up early, have small group time, have 3 set meals a day with people around a table, serving others, having praise and worship, and then also packing in communicating and getting to know each other! It is a wonderful experience to have! We had a wonderful leader who talked to us about our experiences and how we will have SO many but we just keep going from experience to experience to experience and we don't take time to stop, reflect and see what God is teaching us- we just go, go, go... She stressed that we need to put the things that we experience into action and let it change us. So she talked about this continuous cycle that we go through experiences----> reflection ----------> change -------------> action. She talked about how we need to look at our experiences we have and reflect on them- ask what is God teaching me about myself, others and Himself through these experiences. Then we need to take the reflections of our experiences and figure out okay what needs to change- how can I get less of me and more of Him!? Then from those changes we are seeing, thinking about talking about need action. Then we just keep going and have more experiences and it starts all over again! With all that being said I really liked this quote and thought it was fitting for a few of the things I learned on my trip. I also want to be very intentional with taking the things I learned from my trip and this book and making sure I spend time reflecting and put them into action and not just think or talk about them! (that was actually what our Sermon was on this past Sunday too... haha think God is trying to tell me something?!?!)
That's all my ramblings for now! I'm excited for our next book :) Thanks again for doing this Jen!